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  5. Zoom Integration(Pro)

Zoom Integration(Pro)

Timetics has Zoom integrated which lets you create and share Zoom meetings (meetings/webinars) with your guests.

Note: You need TimeTics Pro to get the zoom integration feature.

For zoom integration with Timetics, follow the video.

Generating API Key and Secret Key

For this plugin, you need to use the OAuth token method to make the API connection. The steps are explained below.

1) First of all, visit this link: https://marketplace.zoom.us/ and Sign Up/Sign In to access the marketplace.

Now, click on Develop -> Build App on the top of the page.

2) You will see all the App types including the “OAuth”. Now build OAuth App, and click on the “Create” button.

3) After clicking on the create button, a form screen will pop up. Insert the App name, choose app type “User-managed app” and disable App publish option. Now, click on Create button and your app will be created.

4) In the Timetics settings, you will get a Redirect URL for OAuth. Just copy the URL and paste it on your OAuth app redirect URL and OAuth allows list fields.

5) From app credentials, you get the Client ID and Secret Key. Copy the client id and secret key and paste it on the Timetics settings and save the changes. Then the “Connect” button will appear.

6) Go to the information tab, here you need to insert some app information. The required options must be inserted like Short description, long description, company name, developer contact details(Name & Email), Links(Privacy Policy URL, Terms of Use URL, Support URL) etc. Otherwise, the app will not work.

7) Now add scope for your app. Click on add scopes and a screen will pop up. Enable the scope for Meeting and User type.

8) Here add the necessary information for scope. You can also add scope details if you want.

9) Now, go to the Dashboard -> Settings ->Integrations -> Zoom and click on the “Connect” button. Here, ask to allow your app to share your access permissions.

10) The zoom is connected successfully.

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